Dr. Jaime Martinez

Dr. Jaime Martinez

Brief info

Dr. Jaime Martinez is board certified in both Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine by the American Board of Pediatrics. He has 30 years of public health and medical education experience in Pediatrics, Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Sexually Transmitted Infections, care of LGBTQ youth, and research funded through the National Institutes of Health.

He completed a Pediatric Residency Program at the Children's Hospital in Newark, New Jersey and then completed Fellowships in Adolescent Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, and in Adolescent Medicine Research at the Center for the Study of Adolescence Northwestern University, Department of Psychiatry and University of Chicago, Department of Human Development, Chicago, Illinois.

He can accept all Pediatric referrals, but in particular has interests in: Adolescent Health (especially youth that identify as LGBTQ2.S); Menstrual Disorders and Reproductive Health of Adolescents; Asthma and Obesity

Our Professionals

Dr. Elizabeth Yeboah
Dr. Elizabeth Yeboah
Dr. Jaime Martinez
Dr. Jaime Martinez
Gurjeet Hayer
Gurjeet Hayer
Psycho Therapist
Julia Johnson
Julia Johnson
Family Counsellor Play Therapy

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